Saturday, December 11, 2010
How to Recruit A Profitable Affiliate Army
** How Many Zeros Do You Want To Have On Your Paycheck? **
But a cruel fact first:
If you don't have an affiliate program, then you are missing out on thousands of dollars in profits. Affiliate programs can bring in 4, 5, 6 and even more figures to your annual income than a product without an affiliate program!
Heavy earners know how important affiliate programs are. They get rewarded best for promoting your product.
An affiliate program allows you to have hundreds, if not thousands, of websites and webmasters selling your product or service for you. You reward the websites and Webmasters by paying them for their efforts. Simple right?
Ask yourself this:
## Have you got an affiliate program in place?
## Are you fully utilizing it?
## Or did you just create one because another marketer said it?
If you're doing it properly, your affiliate program will...
- Increase your website traffic.
- Attract pay-per-click affiliates.
- Attract thousands of testing affiliates.
- Have a growing effect on your sales.
- Popularize your brand or product.
- Build your list or customers, prospects and marketers!
So take a minute to reflect and check that your affiliate program
currently just does this?
Maybe all fits and you know all about. But you may realize that there are some open questions or strategical cases which you need to tackle still better? Something might even be too difficult or
you are overwhelmed?
Then, I have a good answer by a new series of videos for you that will clarify everything for you once and for all! And it's so affordable that even with only one hint on how to do better you will get back your small investment over and over again in a very short time.
Check out the full video series now and take out all the profit for your best affiliate campaigns. Best success!
By The Way...
This is really a good bases for a great start. My "Income Traffic Explosion Ebook & Videos" are now also sold through Clickbank. I invite you to use this great Web 2.0 Product for your affiliate campaigns too. Commission isset at 60 % for you. Thanks for promoting it!
Here is the Clickbank link. Please replace 'YOUR CBID' with your CB nickname and it works for you!
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Learn Self Improvement The Easy Way!
Self Improvement is a MUST for every online marketer as well as for your private life. It helps you to find out your own "black holes" and how to change the mindset for a better living. Now, you can catch two flies at once:
- learn from 10 different and brand new Self Improvement Books
- plus you get them with Giveaway and Master Resell Rights
So, while you learn you can help others at the same time and even get paid for all sales you generate with your Master Resell Rights. Finding a new market to get into can be a daunting task as you have to spend hours researching on keywords, sub-niches and finding out how strong or weak your competition is, etc.
The self improvement market is so easy to make money - it's just like giving candy to a baby. Everyone wants to improve themselves one way or another. They want to solve their body problems, they want to increase their IQ, they want to control their anger, they want to simplify
and change their lifestyle, they want to become greener for the environment and they simply want to be happier with themselves.
You can use this niche to span into other bigger markets as well such as hypnotherapy, neuro-linguistic programming, affirmations, and much more! All of these markets are HUGE and have LOTs of room for smart marketers like you and I.
Check out the package of these 10 brand new Self Improvement Mini Sites for yourself and see what you can do with them. Everything is already put together for you and you can get started in minutes. Take the chance and profit from this Ready Made Niche Website Set. Yes, it's for yourself and you even get Master Resell Rights...
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Top Freebies At The Autumn Giveaway 2010 Now!

If you have been looking to saving a lot on building your business, you'll love this exclusive Autumns Giveaway which just opened its doors.
Go and Download an amazing collection of Internet Business Gifts from over 20 TOP Marketers all for free. If you are in a hurry you can check it out here...
Myself and a selected group of TOP Internet Marketers are pooling together some of our best internet business building resources - and you can gain instant access to them at no cost.
Get cool and first class resources like these, all for free:
* Collection of E-Books & Resell Rights,
* Private Label Content,
* Templates,
* Business-in-a-box,
* And Much, Much More!
This event runs for only a limited time so I cannot guarantee that the gifts will be there forever. Thus your best bet is to grab them now while the event is in effect!
Saturday, September 18, 2010
A Simple Way To Generate Free Leads
It's called LeadsLeap and your free ad will be shown to over 1.3 mio eyes. If you have heard about this service and you have not registered your free account, I suggest that you do it now.
LeadsLeap as shown some 6'397'970 ads since their beginning and it is an ingenious system that combines the power of contextual advertising and network lead generation. In this system, you are allowed to post ads to 10 levels deep of the network you have built over time. And be assured, it takes not too much time till you will see the power of this lead building system.
Unlike traditional network lead generation methods, LeadsLeap only allows members to post their ads in the form of a contextual ad. This means your leads do not receive obtrusive ads from their uplines, which is very positive as no one likes to receive junk ads over and over again.
Moreover, LeadsLeap sends very informative and useful newsletters to their members. I've myself saved some of the newsletters for future reference. I'm sure you will benefit from the newsletter too, as it tackle very popular and useful themes thoroughly!
And you can use the newsletter posts to generate still more traffic to your blog or website by using the URL of the post in combination with your affiliate code. Everything is tracked and you get full credit for all views inside the newsletter.
Also imagine if your readers swap the content (including your personal LeapsLead link) with others - it becomes totally vial then and your traffic from such links will double or more.
This is really one of the coolest and very productive free services. Try it out and register your account right now!
Monday, August 23, 2010
How To Get 100 Visitors A Day For FREE!
Then get this absolutely Free PDF report about the...
"100 Free Visitors A Day System"
And you can download it for free.
There is no opt-in required. Just download it directly and get started right away with this simple system that anyone can follow to get 100 free visitors a day.
The PDF Report is only 17 pages but fully stuffed with how to do screen shots and comments.
The best is, you will also learn about a free tool to create your landing page in a minute. Even no hosting required and you get the website template for free too (it looks like mine).
So simple…
Enjoy your new traffic then!
Friday, July 9, 2010
Bonus Manager - More Featrures Version 2 - Save $ 20 Now!
I use it for some time already and my conversions got up quickly. It's a one time download of the script and you can fill it with your onw content as much as you like. It's a MUST HAVE TOOL for every serious online marketer. There are also prefilled bonusses so you can start right from the beginning.
Now Bonus Manager is releasing Version 2 on July 15th with even more features and possibilities.
This release includes a super cool enhancement to the product. Right now, you can get the upgrade to Version 2 for free when it releases. But you need to act fast^. It's worth it because you get all the following releases for free, a life time!
So why not save $20 and get in today?
Here are just a few samples where you can use Bonus Manager:
Thank You / Download Pages
If you have already made a sale, why not give your customers another opportunity to buy something else from you. You can easily offer not only a bonus to your customers as a special thank you, but give them a chance to buy another product while they are downloading the first one!
Optin Confirmation Pages
Most marketers these days are using optin pages to build their lists, but are you really capitalizing on the optin? Start offering bonuses and upsells on your optin confirmation pages to immediately get more eyes looking at your bonus or give your leads a chance to buy something right on the spot!
Error Pages
You may already be using your error pages to offer something to your visitors, but can you make changes to those pages within just a few seconds when you want to promote something new? Well, with Bonus Manager you can!
Try it out, test it and also please leave me your comment. Thanks.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
How to Create a Dynamic Website
To keep your blog or website up to date with fresh with new content frequently does not have to be an overwhelming task. There are cost-efficient and time-saving techniques you can take advantage of to keep your website up to date at all times. And without having to hire hundreds of people to help you!
Read on the whole article to get all the tips!
Monday, June 14, 2010
25 Exclusive Giveaway Downloads Absoutely Free
Go immediately to the Summer Giveaway 2010 and download all or some of the 25 exclusive and never seen before online products direct from the website. It's just rocking and thousands have already taken their chance.
But hurry, the event is open right now and running only till June 22, 2010 only. Thereafter it will be closed and your chance is gone forever.
Click the Banner to go directly to the Download Page...
Enjoy your free Gifts!
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Profit from Giveaway 2010 - Open Now!
At the Summer Giveaway 2010 which just opened today.
All exclusive free gifts offered from a selection of the best Top Marketers Online.
Go and check it out!
Friday, May 21, 2010
A Short Time only - Thousands of Freebies at Sunny's Giveaway
To get access to hundreds of free gifts and software tools get registered right away. The official opening of this great Giveawy Event is May 23 and it will run full 7 days up to May 31, 2010. You can join totally free as a Contributer or as a Member. Either way you will have full access to all the free Downloads and other hot products.
And quality is guaranteed as Sunny Suggs is backed by Guido Nussbaum, the "King" of Giveaways. So you can be sure that this willGiveaway will run smooth as silk.
Guido is known as the owner of the largest events that you can be involved in to build up your list and we all know that the money is in the list, right? You will be able to build a huge list of subscribers in a short amount of time, not to mention the commissions you will earn from the many upgrades and one-time-offer purchases that will surely happen.
You will find my contribution with some of my own and other great freebies. And I am very proud to see my profile right in the middle of other great marketers I still learn a lot from. Why not join them now? I already got over 75 signups within the last 8 days - and it's only the Prelaunch Phase!
Being a contributor to any first class Giveaway Event will help to build your list fast and with good result. Sunny's JV is one of those events that you don't want to miss because of the Top Marketers which are promoting this event to their huge lists lists. That ensures a broad subscriber and visitor base which means a lot of free exposure to your contributions and logically also a lot of signups.
My own list building results are proof to me and I certainly will not miss any chance to join again any other first class Giveaway when it comes up in the future.
Please take action and signup today, get your gift listedand build your list!
Friday, April 16, 2010
Your 30 Days IM Crash Course To Internet Marketing Success From Scratch!
If you want to learn what you need to do to turn your online website and business into a resource that your customers can trust, then you are at the right place a s the main goal of this article will match with your wish to learn which online marketing techniques are the most effective for your business.
The first steps that you need to learn include:
* How to design your website
* How to attract the customers you want
* How to reach your customers through e-mail marketing
* Why co-branding is important
* How to choose online partners that are right for you
* How to create customized content for you website
* How to influence your customers to come back frequently
* How to establish yourself as an expert in your specific industry
Read the whole article here...
Web 2.0 Blogging For More Customers And Excited Fans
Try to stand out of the crowd and get your visitors excited!
In addition to this, you need a website that has the same or even a higher quality as well as a lot of useful content too. Make your site easy to operate and offer a great selection of free downloads, tools and maybe brandable reports they can give away. Create a kind of resource box for internet marketing tools and resources for any other well defined niches. This will automatically create another traffic storm and automatically lead to more sales.
The most essential ingredient of the web 2.0 blog is the theme and content you write. If there is no quality and consistency, you can just forget about generating any free traffic. And no traffic means no sales. Therefore, please make sure that you develop keyword rich quality content to attract a lot of people to your blog who then click through to your websites and affiliate links.
But how can I do it?
I'm a newbie with no funds and experience!
Read the whole article here...
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
The famous Easter Giveaway has Just Opened Doors
The great Easter Giveaway has just opened it's doors wide open.
There are hundreds of excellent and free ebooks, tools, software and other online learning material. So hurry to get your share. Go right there now!
When it comes to downloading products for free some people go all crazy. They risk legal charges or even prison in some cases. It doesn't have to be this way... downloading free products legally is so easy and it's fun.
At this actual Easter Giveaway, you can get ,497 worth of digital products for free from this great place where hundreds of internet marketers come together to give away their ebooks, software, audios, videos and all other kinds of digital products.
You can start downloading these products right now, simply signup for free at the Easter Giveaway and follow the instructions inside their members area.
Be aware that the Easter Giveaway stays open only for a few days and once they close the doors you can't get in anymore. So make sure you signup now to get free access to the huge number of free downloads.
==> Join the Easter Giveaway for free.
To Your Success,
Monday, February 15, 2010
Make Money With Blogging To The Bank
Build Up Your Million Dollar Blog Network 2010 To A Million Dollar Empire...
Blogging has been around for a few years now. Most people use blogs to record their thoughts and lives, while the select few use them as a free way to make a fortune.
One guy who uses this to his advantage is Rob Benwell. In 2006 he dished the dirt on the tips and tricks to making a fortune using blogging. But as time passes the old systems become obsolete and new techniques are required.
This is where his brand new, fresh off the press Blogging to the Bank 2010 system comes into play.
And this is just what Blogging to the Bank 2010 is all ablout:
# How One Automated Blog Earned $19,479 in a Month
# 5 Biggest Secrets that Guarantee Success for Blog You Create
# The Most Successful Step-By-Step Blueprint for Blogging Success
# The Secrets to Building A Blog Empire of Over $1,107,693
# How To Create Real Blogs In Just A Few Clicks
# 6 Sure-Fire Promotion Techniques Driving Over 2.1 Million Visitors
# How Any Business Or Individual Can use Blogging for Credibility
# The Technique On How To Build a Multi Million Dollar Blogging Empire
For those who don’t know Rob Benwell, here is the story:
Back in 2005 he was struggling to make any profit online, had dropped out of college and was getting deep into debt. He was trying all the techniques the gurus tell you and wasn’t getting anywhere fast. All of that went in the bin and he started using his own techniques and started making more and more money using simple blogs. In early 2006 he shared this with the world and had a great ebook called blogging to the bank. Tons of people got rich from using these techniques (including me). He then spoke at Online Marketing Legend Yanik Silver’s underground Seminar where he revealed even more of his underground strategies. Then July 2007 he released Blogging to the Bank 2.0 which showed users his new methods to creating online wealth using blogs. In total both versions have been read by over 50,000 people across the world.
But as I said earlier, the techniques used in these ebooks are now showing there age. Some of them are not even working in the slightest! This is where blogging to the bank 2010 comes into play.
It’s full of great new techniques that work online right now! Everything’s explained in plain English with all the fluff cut out. I got hold of an advanced copy of the book for a much higher price than what it actually sells for and it has been worth every single cent! I got it in the afternoon and by the evening I was creating new profitable blogs. Within a couple of hours of them being active I had made a nice little profit.
Blogging To The Bank 2010 teaches you Robs new step by step blueprint to creating highly profitable long term niche blogs using the newest optimization techniques. There’s even a section on advanced Search Engine Optimization. Most people think SEO is difficult but Rob explains this nice and simply so even the blogging newbie will understand it.
Blogging To The Bank 2010 is a breath of fresh air and I highly recommend it to anyone wanting to make easy money online.
Click here for more information about this system
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Monday, February 1, 2010
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Free Tools and Membership Site Tactics Software
Many people own membership sites and they generate a recurring income almost for life. After the first site, they usually ad some more similar sites in other niches, expanding their earning potentila considerably.
In fact, it is quite easy for you to own a membership site The REAL Secret to being. You just need to know the 10 Shocking Facts!
When you read this new report; You will discover...
* The BIG LIE marketers tell you about how easy it is to strike it rich online
* How to Create Dependable Residual Income Month After Month
* Why You Don't Need To Buy Expensive and Complex Membership Software
* How to Set Up A Membership Site in 6 minutes - Using Free Tools
* Using COMPLETELY FREE Software...
It doesn't get any easier than this. Get your free report and put your first Membership Site up an running. You will find all the essentials inside the report.
You can download your Free Report here.
To check out even more details and what's inside the detailed step-by-step videos and PDF tutorials, click here.