As a visitor of a website you suddenly get interested in the content, some banners or the explicitely offered product. A good Sales Letter will then do its job and explain you all the pros, features, benefits and almost for certain the bonuses you will get when buying the product right away. Probably, you will click the buy button then. Hopefully not another download and forget item on your desktop...
Very often the payment processor is Clickbank which is the greatest Merchant and Affiliate Marketplace with over 100'000 listed products. OK, you put in your credit card details and get the download link with the product. Fine for that. But what about getting the same prodcut just for at least half the price (50 %)? Clickbank vendors pay their affiliated in many cases 50 % up to 75 % commission on the product price. The paychecks are managed from Clickbank and come in at a regular schedule. Therefore, before buying from Clickbank register as an affiliate and then read on please.
You then need your very own Clickbank Storefront to buy most Clickbank products for half the price or even cheaper. What you then do is buying inside your own shop. Let me explain:
Owning a CBmall Storefront (click to see mine) will save you a lot of money. And by promoting it, you will also earn additional income from sales generated through your link. I don't want to write too much as everything is much better explained at the CBmall Special Offer. You can get your CBmall for free and start to profit as outlined. If you like it, there are also Silver, Gold and Platinum upgrades. However to generate a nice income, the free version will be fine to start with. Jeff Mulligan, the owner of CBmall, has written a famous eBook with even more features and highlights of all the benefits a CBmall Storefront offers. You can download your Free Copy here:
Freemium or Premium: Which Strategy Best Captures Today’s Online Audience?
Freemium or Premium: Which Strategy Best Captures Today’s Online Audience?
One of the strategic decisions that marketers grapple with is whether to
adopt a...
4 months ago